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Glute Bridge

Glute Bridges


The Glute Bridge Position offers a lot of benefits to the human boday and training as a whole.

Not only does it activate and burn your glutes (especially with a booty band) but it also stretches out your Chest, Neck, Spine and Hips. It strengthens your Glutes, Back and Hamstrings. Improves your blood circulation and has been shown to help assist in reducing stress and mild depression.

The Glute Bridge Variation is a staple movement in most of my training programs due to the various benefits it can have on an individual.

Make sure you include a variation of a bridge into your training to see and feel the benefits yourself!

Barbell Hip Thrusts

Barbell Hip Thrusts

Barbell Hip Thrusts
An extremely important exercise for Glute strength and Hypertrophy.
According to research, the Barbell Hip Thrust shows greater activation levels from the Gluteus Maximus compared to when performing squats and deadlifts. It is stated that Barbell Hip Thrusts show greatest excitation levels in the Gluteus Maximus followed by Erector Spinae, Hamstrings and Quadriceps Femoris. There have been significant effects highlighted when utilising Barbell Hip Thrusts, including improvement of short sprint times and power development through the posterior chain. Your Glutes are the largest muscle group in your body, therefore they undergo a large amount of physical demand in your day-to-day life. Because of this, strong Glutes help stabilise your core, pelvis and lower body.
This is an exercise that is a MUST during leg day! Give it a try!


Leg Day Superset

Leg Day Superset

Leg Day Superset

Front BB Squats and BB Good Mornings.
2 very effective exercises which work alternating muscle groups in your legs.

FRONT SQUATS – work more of your quadriceps due to the greater flexion in the knee joint and less hinging at the hip joint like you see in back squats. Front Squats load up your quads to generate the force to push up and complete the movement.

GOOD MORNINGS – work more of your hamstrings due to the hinging motion located at the hip joint. Similar to Romanian Deadlifts, slight knee flexion is encouraged while focusing purely on hinging at your hips and causing a greater stretch in your hamstrings.

Try it out in your own programs or contact me for further information.

Independent Lat Pull-downs

Independent Lat Pull-downs

Independent Lat Pull-down

In my opinion, this machine is extremely beneficial, especially if you can notice little variances between muscle mass or strength levels between your dominant/non-dominant sides.

Allowing you to work each side of your Latissimus Dorsi independently, allows you to focus solely on your technique allowing you to work on the weaker side more and evening out both muscle mass levels and strength levels.

Give it a go, on your next back/pull day.